Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thing 9 - Fair Use and Creative Commons

How do you think Creative Commons may affect you professionally and/or personally?
  • Have you noticed the CC logo on any websites you visit? Did you wonder what it meant? I actually have never noticed the "CC" logo but will now!
  • Do you think CC will impact the way students learn and create projects? How? I think it should certainly offer them the opportunity to use materials created by others, I just hope that they will not become "lazy" in the habit of pulling out others' work that is not in Creative Commens
  • Do you use digital images, audio or video clips from the web in your teaching (or professional practice)? I mainly have used "Clip Art" photos. I have presumed that they were perfectly OK to use in presentations. Am I wrong?
  • Do you ever share content on the web? Yes! For example, see (use the username =; and the password = guest
  • Who owns your teaching materials? I do.
  • What are some potential negatives for using CC? I am still thinking about this question...!

Consider the "Best Practices for Fair Use in Media Education" and reflect upon them. Feel free to use any of the prompts below to guide your response. I want to list these questions here soI can refer back to them easily in the future. Since I am not a classroom teacher at present, I found it difficult to respond. The issues have emerged since I left the high school classroom for sure.
  • What has been your experience with students using copyright protected media in the past?
  • Given what you know now, would this affect how you ask your students to gather media for projects?
  • How do you think these new guidelines will impact the way students create projects?
  • How might these new guidelines affect media that you use for professional purposes? I now can be more confident and als o more careful about pulling images off the Internet and inserting them into presentations to parents, although I really ahven't done that a great deal. I am hoping to learn more about getting the flicker photos to look good, now that I have discovered flickr!
By the way, my cousin in Houston is a professional photographer champagnephoto so it will be very interesting to run this all by him for his opinion in using his "stock photos".

1 comment:

  1. Clipart can be a sticky question. It all depends on how they have licensed it. I typically check to see if they require attribution or some kind of link back. These days, most "good" sites will list their requirements.
